Zone 1 Concours Weekend

Zone 1 Concours Weekend

From 06/10/23 8:00 AM until 06/11/23 5:00 PM

At Malcom Pray Achievement Center

Posted by Metro NY Porsche Club of America

Categories: Concours

Hits: 1047

Mark your calendars for the weekend of June 10th, for the Zone 1 Concours Weekend honoring the 75th Anniversary of the Porsche Company and the first 356.

This year the Concours will be hosted by the Metro NY Region at the Malcom Pray Achievement Center in Bedford, NY.

Come join fellow PCA'ers from around the Zone as we celebrate 75 years of the marque with a concourse and tour.

Registration Link:

Concours will follow PCA rules and classes with the full, street, and display only for select models. For questions and to volunteer to help please contact Paul Celentano, VP and Concourse Chair by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 516 297 535.