New Members Meeting

New Members Meeting

From 09/09/23 10:00 AM until 09/09/23 12:00 PM

At American Airpower Museum Farmingdale

Posted by Metro NY Porsche Club of America

Categories: Social

Hits: 495

Please join Metro NY PCA for our annual new member meeting. This event is held at the spectacular American Airpower Museum in Farmington, New York under the shadow of superb vintage airplanes. This is an opportunity for new members to come out, meet new friends and learn about activities central to the Porsche Club experience. You can talk to members about autocross, driver's education, social events, track days, driving tours, or how to volunteer. 

The cost is $35 per adult and $15 per child under 12 years old. 

The start time is 10 am to 12 noon (includes: breakfast, museum fee, and parking on the tarmac)

Register Here: